Typically, there is some hesitation prior to beginning a therapeutic relationship. Do I really want to get into all my baggage with a stranger? Won't she just judge me and my family? Other people have much worse problems; it's not that bad.
My answer to those concerns is this:
You already possess all the wisdom and knowledge to live your best life.
Sometimes it just takes a little support to head in the right direction.
I would be honored to come alongside you and your family to encourage and
empower you to creative a life you love.
From my perspective, we all possess strength and wisdom that, when directed, can propel us to health and wellness. My goal in therapy is to allow clients to realize their potential and empower clients for positive change. Though my approach will vary based on the individual needs, I primarily utilize techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy encourages individuals to navigate the balance of life. For example the balance of self-acceptance and self-improvement or the balance of loving and letting go. Balance must occur within ourselves and among others. Conflict, intense emotion, and impulsive behavior can be a sign that life is out of balance. Through skills aimed at regulating emotions, tolerating distress, being effective in relationships and mindfulness, DBT aims to reduce emotional suffering and targets self-destructive thoughts and actions. Historically, DBT was taught in a group setting to individuals with Personality Disorders, but new studies have shown it's effectiveness for individuals with anxiety, depression, and dysregulated moods. Click here for more information on DBT.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy seeks to find the patterns and connections between the way we think (cognitive) and the way we act (behavioral). By targeting negative automatic thoughts, cognitive distortions, and behavioral habits we will seek to change patterns that cause distress and difficulty. CBT is focused on identifying problems and changing the associated thoughts, behavior and emotions. CBT is an evidenced-based practice that is proven to be effective in a variety developmental stages and with a wide range of emotional difficulties including substance use, anxiety, and depression. Click here for more information on CBT.